Trial Results & Pictures 2007
**Huckle Hill Francesco**
aka "Cesco"
*CONFORMATION---Terrie Evans
1st place puppy 4-6m brken
1st place pupy 4-6m brken
* GTG -Novice 4-6 puppy
3rd place
**Phlow Creek **Jester Jake**
1st place puppy broken coat
1st place 9-12m
2nd Place
2nd place
**1st trial ** Farmstead Terrier Trial May 5th
Norah Risley foundation terrier trial May 6th
*Acela Ali**
*FLAt Race
2nd Place
*Steeple chace race
2nd Place 5th
*Steeplechase race
2nd place 6th
*Conformation--Terri Evans
1st Place 9-12m smth
*Lure Course
2nd Place 9-12m
*GTG- Novice 6-12m
3rd place
**Castle Pines *Kaysi*
1st Place 6-9m smth
3rd place BEST PUPPY
1st place 6-9m puppy
*Ali " with Judge Terri Evans
"Cesco" with Judge Barry Wade
"Kaysi" with Judge Terri Evans
~~Yankee Trial I & II Glastonberry, Conneticut~~
May 19, & 20, 2007
Castle Pines** Kaysi**
Flat race 3rd place
Conformation 1st place - Marye Vale 19th
GTG - 5th & 2nd place Novice puppy
Lure Course 4th place & 6th
Conformation 3rd-Cheryle Hart 20th
Huckle Hill** Francesco** aka "CESCO"
Flat race 4-6 puppy 2nd place
steeplechace 4-6 pupp 3rd place
Conformation 1st place Marye Vale 19th
Flat race 6-9 pup 2nd place
Steeolechase race 6-9 pup 4th pl
Conformation 6-9 pup 3rd place
Cheryle Hart 20th
The Jester Jake*** 19th & 20th
Flat race 9-12pup 2nd place & 2nd Pl
Steeple chase 2nd place & 2nd Pl
Conformation 2nd place & 2nd Pl
GTG Novice 6-12m 3rd place & 5th Pl
Lure course 3rd place & 2nd Pl
Acela Ali** 19th & 20th
Flat race 2nd place & 3rd lace
Steeple chase 2nd Place & 3rd place
Conformation 1st place & 2nd place
GTG novice 6-12m 2nd place & 4th place
Lure course 2nd place & 2nd place

Russell Rescue Trial, Scotland , CT June 16, 2007
Plow Creek Jester "Jake"
Flat Race 2nd Place
Steeple Chase 2nd Place
Conformation 2nd pl
Acela Ali
Steeple chase 6th
Conformation 3rd
Castle Pine Kaysi
GTG Novice Puppy 1st place
Conformation 3rd
Huckle Hill Francesco
Huntington Hunt Trial, Scotland, CT June17, 2007
Plow Creek Jester Jake
Flat Race 2nd Place
Steeple Chase 2nd Place
Conformation 2nd pl
Aclela Ali
Conformation 2nd Pl
Castle Pines "Kaysi"
GTG Open puppy 1st pl
GTG Puppy Champion 3rd Pl
Conformation 2nd Pl
Huckle Hill Francesco
Conformation 5th
Child Handler
Sal Cioto Sat 2nd Pl Conf.
GTG 1st P;
Sun 2nd Conf.
GTG 2nd
Sal Took Reserve Best in High Points
Liberty Bell Clasic, Downingtown, PA August 4,& 5,2007
Jake- Conformation, 3rd
Kaysi- Conformation 1st Sat and 1st Sun.
GTG puppy champion 4th
Flats race 2nd Sat
Steple chase 5th Sat and Sun 5th
Barn hunt 4th
Cesco Flat races 3rd SAt and 2nd Sun
Steeple chase 3rd Sat and 2nd Sun
GTG 2nd pl
Ali Conformation 4th sat ans 4th Sunday
Northgate Terrier Trial, September, 1& 2, 2007
Shayla --Conformation 1st place Saturday & 2nd pl. Sunday
Jake --Conformation 2nd pl Saturday and 1st Pl. Sunday
GTG 1st Place
Cesco--GTG 1st pl Saturday
Flats race 5th & Saturday
Steeple chase 5th Sat. & 5th Sun.
Kaysi -- Conformation 3rd Sat, & 3rd Sun
Barn Hunt 2nd
Flats 2nd Sat & 5th Sunday
Steeple Chase 5th
Child Handler Classes
Salvatore Cioto - Handling Wyle E
Sat Handler class 5th and 4th GTG
Sun Handler Class 5th and 4th GTG
A Special Thank You to Denise Decosta
Owner of Whyle E of Sea Dog
Judge Sandra Ferber
Gino Cioto - Handling Jester Jake
3th Pl on Sat and 3th pl. Sun
25th Annual JRTCA NATIONAL TRIAL October 19, 20, & 21.2007
Havre De Grace, Maryland
*Castle Pines Kaysi*
1st Open Bitches Smooth Under
3rd GTG novice adult
Conformation Judge
Greg Mousley
*Plow Creek Jester Jake*
2nd pl Dogs Smooth Over
Gino & Jake. W/ Judge Michelel Ward
Domenic Cioto W/ Jester Jake
A special thank you to Susie & Bob Mullins
of Castle Pines in Colorado
for sending Kaysi ,and all the help our way!